About Us

CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority is a private non-profit corporation designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The organization is governed by a 27-member tripartite Board of Directors, which represents three significant sectors of the community that include the low-income; elected officials or their designees; and the private sector (local business, churches, educational institutions, and community organizations). This was a unique structure in 1964, and was mandated by law to allow low-income people to participate in the development of the solutions to poverty, and, at the same time, gave local representatives and elected officials an understanding of the issues that face low-income citizens in their communities. The Board is charged with oversight of the Agency’s Mission and overall management of the CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority Inc., assets, which includes vesting the Board with the responsibility of monitoring finances to ensure that the Agency has adequate resources and is managing these appropriately and is incompliance with legal and funder requirements. Each Board member is obligated to fulfill fiduciary duties of care to CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority, Inc., which requires that Board decisions be based on a deliberative process of face finding and assessment and duty of loyalty, which requires each Board member to act in the best interests of the Agency and it’s Mission.


Top row from left to right: Ms. Angel Little, Ms. Linda LaMarr, Mr. Marion E. Barnes,  The Reverend Norris V. Rouse, Mr. Emanuel Larkin, Jr., Ms. Margaret Huskey, Mr. Johnny Holmes, and Mr. Ernest Muhammad


Bottom row  from left to right:  Ms.Veronica Shareef, Ms.Carole Long, Ms.Ophelia Adams, Ms.Gwendolyn Rountree, & Ms.Imogene Ford


Not Pictured:  Mr. Lucious Abrams, Jr., Ms. Brenda Bonner, Ms. Monique Braswell, Ms. Jacqueline Cochrane, Ms. Bea Hart-Moss, Ms. Beatrice Holiday, Mr. Kenneth Jones, Ms. Kimberly Ivey-Mathis, Ms. Pamela Oliphant, Dr. Louise Rice, Mr. Melvin Stewart, Mr. Augustus Thurmond, and Mr. Sterling Wimberly.