CSRA EOA, Inc. Announcement

Central Savannah River Area Economic Opportunity Authority, Inc. (CSRA EOA, Inc.) takes great pride in having provided services to children and families across CSRA through the Head Start Program for over 50 years.
CSRA EOA, Inc. will not be the grantee for the Head Start Program that serves Bulloch, Burke, Columbia, Emanuel, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Screven, and Warren Counties effective August 1, 2024. Please be assured that when the new grantee is announced, the quality services offered through the Head Start Program will continue. For more information on the new services please direct your inquiries to: hsquestions@csraeoa.org.
CSRA EOA, Inc. will continue to work to leverage resources, empower people, and advocate to alleviate poverty in the Central Savannah River Area, providing a wide variety of programs and services. These include but are not limited to:
Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF), Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Program, Weatherization Assistance Program, Home Ownership Planning & Education (HOPE), Senior Nutrition and Wellness, Family Self-Sufficiency & Crisis Intervention, Coordinated Entry/Centralized Intake & Assessment for the Homeless, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Permanent Supportive Housing; also informational and resource events including Job Fairs, Health Fairs, Resource Fairs, Making Money Make Sense workshops, and Consumer Education.